In March 2017, a synagogue in Seattle was desecrated with Holocaust denial graffiti. According to Rabbi Daniel Weiner, the De Hirsch Sinai synagogue was spray-painted with graffiti that called the Holocaust a "fake story." In doing so, the vandals replaced each S in the message with a dollar sign. According to a statement from Seattle police, the officer on duty discovered the message Friday morning on the wall of the old sanctuary of the temple and contacted staff. U.S. House member Pramila Jayapal, who represents Washington's 7th District, which includes Seattle, strongly condemned the vandalism. Governor Jay Inslee also condemned it, saying in a statement, "Each of us has a responsibility to condemn any and all acts of hate and intolerance."
In a post on Temple De Hirsch Sinai's Facebook page, Weiner said the temple has taken steps to ensure the safety of the community, including increased security. "In taking all of these precautions, we are also adamant in our conviction that we will not allow the toxicity of intolerance and the growing atmosphere of hate to define who we are, how we live and what our nation can be," Weiner wrote.
In July 2017, an anti-Semitic banner was discovered at the New Jersey Holocaust Memorial. According to the Ashbury Park Press, it also contained a link to a website promoting white supremacy.
On May 27, 2021, someone painted anti-Semitic remarks and a swastika on the wall of the Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg. Police said patrol officers spotted the anti-Semitic graffiti around 4 a.m. Thursday along the south side of the museum on 1st Avenue. "This act of hate demonstrates that the work of the Florida Holocaust Museum is more important than ever," said Elizabeth Gelman, executive director of the Florida Holocaust Museum. "We remain committed to our vital mission of preventing future genocides and educating people about the dangers of anti-Semitism and other forms of racism and hate. Clearly, our society still has a long way to go. The Museum is deeply grateful for the promptness and professionalism of the St. Petersburg Police Department and its dedicated staff."
On January 28, 2022, just after Holocaust Memorial Day, the walls of Washington Station were painted with swastikas. Swastika graffiti was found all around the perimeter of the train station. The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington wrote: "This anti-Semitic and hateful symbol has no place in our society, and to find it in our city on International Holocaust Memorial Day week is particularly offensive.