
Internet platform for studying Xenophobia, Radicalism and Problems of Intercultural communication.

Xenophobia and Radicalisation in Greece, 2020-2022

Xenophobia and Radicalisation in Greece, 2020-2022 Dr. Pranvera Tikja

Refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants, as well as Roma and members of LGBTI communities of Greece remain victims of frequent hate speech, at times involving politicians and even state officials. Despite the commendable work of many NGOs in support of migrants in Greece, their possibilities to support migrants have been put at risk by a 2020 Ministerial Decision introducing stricter registration and operation rules for NGOs active in the sectors of international protection, migration and relocation, or the social integration of migrants.

The level of education among Roma remains low compared to other EU countries and to the mainstream Greek population. Drop-out remain high despite a reported slight decrease. Further, in the last two years an increase of incidents against Roma community from the law enforcement officials has been observed.

The abovementioned patterns are aligned with a general turn of Politics since 2019 when the conservative party of New Democracy won the elections. The rhetoric of immigrants coming in Greece portrayed in terms of an invasion has been embedded in the public discourse coupled with changes in geopolitics and Turkey stance toward the refuggees and a change in public attitudes that the country has a lot f migrants. The term ‘’immigrant’’ has absorbed the term ‘’refuggee’’.

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