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Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on 27 January, 2013, speaking in Milan at the ceremony to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust, said, "the racist laws have been Mussolini's worst mistake, as a leader who had done right in many other things." Berlusconi also stated that Mussolini was a "good leader" for the country.

In late July 2013, posters congratulating Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke with 100th birthday were found across Rome. In the first half of 2013, San Domenico Museum in Forli hosted an exhibition called “Twentieth Century”, dedicated to an interwar period. In reality, the exhibition was dedicated to Benito Mussolini as a fascist ideologist. In 2013, in different places in the country, there were bottles of red wine with the image of Hitler and Mussolini in the stores. Anyone can buy this product and, according to the sellers, ite enjoyed an increased demand.

On the night of April 20, 2014 members of the far-right group Movimento Nazionalsocialista dei Lavoratori (“Labour National Socialist Movement”) distributed Adolf Hitler’s birthday cards. In Rome, three minors were arrested on April 25 near the Olympic-Stadium, where a banner saying “History will show, that you (Mussolini) were right” ("La storia di darà ragione") was put on the Mussolini-Obelisk. The obelisk is part of “Foro Italico”, a sports complex that was built during Mussolini`s dictatorship. On April 25, Italy officially celebrates the liberation from fascism and Nazi-occupation.

On October 15, a white cardboard swastika was found in Tivoli, marking an anniversary of the of an SS officer Priebke, responsible for the Ardeatine massacre in 1944.

In the spring of 2015, in Casa Pound’s "La Tartaruga" children's summer camp, kids wore T-shirts with the image of Mussolini. On May 20, 2015, the leader of Lega Nord Matteo Salvini was welcomed by his supporters with a "Roman greeting" and fascist cries. On June 12, 2015 it became known that a resident of Udine published a photo of Mussolini on his Facebook page and suggested that everyone click "Like".

In 2017, there were several episodes of this kind. The first was the presence of several fascists and neo-Nazis in Campo 10, Milan's cemetery, on April 29, 2017, who gathered there, in spite of the law, on the anniversary of Mussolini's death, to "pay homage" to his memory. A few days afterwards, the same group of nostalgic fascists and extreme right-wing militants gathered in Milan for a counter-demonstration against the anniversary and the national holiday of the fall of the fascist regime, which is celebrated every year on April 25. Thus, this group of neo-fascists organized a counter-demonstration with demonstrations of Celtic crosses, Nazi salutes in memory of the fascists who died during World War II.

In addition, militants from far-right groups marched on July 19 to protest a decision by local authorities to rename a local park after two Italian judges murdered by the Mafia in 1992. The far-right demanded that the park be renamed after Arnaldo Mussolini, brother of the Duce. In the summer of 2017, a report went viral about the owner of a private beach open to the public, who named the beach "Spiaggia Fascista" (Fascist Beach) and defined who could access the beach according to political views , skin color, ethnicity, and religion. The beach was also full of posters of Mussolini and other Fascist memorabilia, as well as blatantly offensive and racist slogans.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the headline in the daily newspaper Il Tempo, which on December 30, 2019, declared Mussolini "man of the year" and came out with an article written by the neo-fascist intellectual Marcello Veneziani that listed the political and individual qualities of Duce and contained lengthy speculation that soon Italians might need someone like him to run the country at this particular moment.

These are a few examples of the glorification of fascism in a country already affected by the fascist virus. The post-war constitution, the creation of a new liberal-democratic regime, and legislation on fascist propaganda and ideology have all been insufficient to lead the country through a complete process of de-Nazification, as was the case in Germany. The result remains a tolerance for some kind of Fascist nostalgia, allowing the sale of Fascist souvenirs, as is the case in Mussolini's homeland "Preppappio," in which nostalgic Fascists and extreme right wing militants openly break the law and hope that a new Mussolini and a new Fascist regime will soon arrive to solve the problems of Italians.

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