
Internet platform for studying Xenophobia, Radicalism and Problems of Intercultural communication.



Neo-Nazi threat is not as significant in Italy as in some of its neighbouring countries, but the level of xenophobia and migrantophobia in Italian society is high enough for this problem to become more pressing. Success of Lega Nord in the elections to the European Parliament showed that there is a demand in the society for ultra-right politicians. The same can be said about the sharply increased level of hate crime.

The danger is the authorities' underestimation of the racism and neo-fascism factor. There are no serious state programmes to support non-governmental organizations in opposing right-wing radicals. Changes in the Criminal Code in 2006 have objectively contributed to the neo-fascist activity. All this can create certain problems in the future. Today, when neo-fascist parties are still weak enough and are busy with the issue of attracting new members, this problem is not as pressing. Only local authorities in certain localities are de facto in solidarity with right-wing radicals and adopt certain local laws and regulations aimed at discriminating against Roma and migrants. However, over time, the situation may change, causing the threat of a split in society, and neo-Nazis coming into power like in Greece, can become a reality.

In Italy, negative sentiments towards Roma and migrations from Asia are actively developing. Mass immigration from Asia and Eastern Europe, propaganda of right-wing radical organizations, as well as statements by some public figures, including government officials and media, have led to an increase in xenophobia in society.

  1. General recommendations for the accession to international agreements and conventions.
  2. Italy should ratify the European charter on regional languages and languages of linguistic minorities without any major provisions regarding the list of protected languages, Additional protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime regarding criminalization of racist and xenophobic acts committed through computer systems (2011); protocol № 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights, which includes an overall ban on discrimination; the European Convention on Citizenship; International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. Italy should consider the adaptation of Chapter "C" of the Convention of integrating foreigners into social life on the local level.

  3. General recommendations for adjustments to the legal framework.
  4. Italy has to reconsider amendments to the Penal Code of 2006 in order to generalize the effect of anti-racist articles for all acts of discrimination, racism and xenophobia and not only those , which can lead to changes in public predispositions. Apart from that it is necessary to make the legislation more rigorous in the department of liability for racist crimes, including hate motives in the commission of crimes.

  5. General recommendations for the executive bodies in the field of enforcement of law and human rights.
  6. Italy should reconsider its practices in the immigration sphere and abandon illegal return of asylum seekers to their countries of origins. It is crucial to implement a strict statistical count of incidents and crimes based on hate, which is the first step to combating such crimes In addition, active measures in the area of eradicating consequences of the «emergency state» in favour of the Roma should be taken. Additionally, authorities should broaden the staff of UNAR, so that the authority given to this administration could be realized more effectively.

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