Council for Refugee Affairs reports about 20 violent racist incidents in 2014. ENAR reports 46 such cases.
On January 7, Immigration Council of Ireland has publicised the racial abuse of a 13-year-old girl.
On March 17, a father and son – natives of Chechnya – have been attacked near Dublin. Father managed to flee and son received several injuries. The attackers tried to drown him, but he managed to escape by pretending to be dead.
In March and April, three men in Dublin attacked an Irish citizen – an ethnic Pakistani.
On April 16, native of Nigeria was subjected to racist abuse and was assaulted on a bus from Kilkenny to Dublin. Other passengers intervened to stop the violence and the unidentified assailant fled the scene.
On May 16, it became known that a black woman with 2 young children suffered racist abuse and harassment while walking down the street in Dublin. A group of teenagers shouted racist insults and threw eggs in them.
Despite the low recorded levels of hate crime in Ireland, there are a number of third party organisations involved in monitoring and acting as a reporting mechanism for such incidences. For example, in June 2017, Ireland anti-racism NGO, ENAR, used its iReport online monitoring tool in the preceding six months to find 330 reports of racist assaults, harassment and discrimination – a 33% increase on the previous six month reporting period (p.7). Of these, there were 19 assaults – including arson, sexual assaults and threats to kill (p.8).[1] Moreover, there were 162 reports of hate speech – either online and or in newspapers (p.7) - 166 instances of verbal abuse (p.12), and62 reports of racist abuse against Jews and Muslims in the six month period – occurring both in the online and offline space (pp.19-20).
Since 2018, Ireland has been transmitting minimal information regarding hate crimes to the OSCE/ODIHR. The information includes only data on the crimes themselves, but does not contain information on the investigation of cases and court verdicts. In 2020, Ireland refused to share this minimal information with the OSCE, citing technical difficulties with the introduction of the new PULSE crime reporting system in October 2020.
According to official figures, 368 hate crimes were committed in Ireland in 2018, compared to 251 in 2019. At the same time, the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) (formerly known as ENAR Ireland) reported that the total number of racist incidents in 2020 was 700 episodes (in 2019 there were 530). The system recorded 159 criminal offenses, 51 racially motivated attacks and 334 cases of hate speech. 11% of incidents ended in bodily injury. The three main groups targeted by racism and discrimination are people of African descent, South Asians/Chinese, and people belonging to Muslim communities.