
Internet platform for studying Xenophobia, Radicalism and Problems of Intercultural communication.

Public Actions

Public Actions Justin Barret, leader of the Irish neo-Nazis.

Outbursts of Neo-Nazi activism in an attempt to glorify German National Socialism were at a fairly low-level during the period under consideration. In May 2017, it was reported that a group of neo-Nazi’s conducted a sticker campaign in the Western Irish City of Galway - featuringthe slogan ‘Defend Your Heritage’ and an image of men with swords on horses chasing immigrants.

The group of neo-Nazis were also behind a graffiti tribute to Adolf Hitler beside the Westend Canal in the City. Added to this was the rise of far-right National Party leader, Justin Barrett. It was found that he had attended German and Italian neo-Nazi and neo-Fascist conferences in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a guest. In the former conference, a standing ovation was given to a former SS officer and speeches were said to have lauded and quoted Hitler. These incidents were used to discredit Barrett as a prominent leader in Ireland’s ‘No to Nice Campaign’ in 2002 amidst an Irish referendum to ratify the Nice Treaty that year.

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