
Internet platform for studying Xenophobia, Radicalism and Problems of Intercultural communication.

Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right Inaugural Conference, London May 15-17, 2019

Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right  Inaugural Conference, London May 15-17, 2019

A Century of Radical Right Extremism: New Approaches Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right Inaugural Conference Programme Richmond, The American International University in London, 15 – 17 May 2019

Wednesday, 15th May

12:45-13:45: ECR publishing workshop with Craig Fowlie (Routledge) and Professor Cas Mudde (University of Georgia) [Moderator: Eviane Cheng Leidig (CARR)]

12:30-14:00: Registration/exhibitions

  • Dr Barbara Warnock, Wiener Library
  • Dr Serena Katt, Richmond University

14:00-14:45: Welcome & launches

  • Welcome remarks, Professor Matthew Feldman (CARR)
  • Sara Khan (Commissioner for Countering Extremism, UK)
  • CARR Awards
  • ○ Sunny Hundal Public Engagement Award [with Professor Tamir Bar-On (Tecnologico de Monterrey) and Sunny Hundal (openDemocracy)]

    ○ Cas Mudde Early Career Scholar Award [with Eviane Cheng Leidig (CARR) and Professor Cas Mudde (University of Georgia)]

    • Launch - Anti-Muslim Prejudice Report

    14:45-15:45: Keynote 1: Mark Potok (Southern Poverty Law Center) [Chair: Professor Tamir Bar-On (Tecnologico de Monterrey)]

    15:45-16:15: Coffee break

    16:15-17:45: Plenary A: Home Office Extremism Analysis Unit (EAU) and Building A Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) [Chair: Dr William Allchorn (CARR)]

    17:45-19:30: Parallel sessions x3 [Chairs: Professor Matthew Feldman (CARR) / Dr Archie Henderson (CARR) / Eviane Cheng Leidig (CARR)]

    Fascism in Central and Eastern Europe before 1945:

    • Kristina Deskar, “The Role of the Catholic Church in the Independent State of Croatia” (University of Liverpool)
    • Blasco Sciarrino, “Radical-Right Romanian Great War Veterans and their Transnational Influences, 1920-1939” (Central European University)
    • Dr Roland Clark, “Images of Crisis in Right-Wing Discourses of Interwar Romania” (University of Liverpool)
    • David Swoboda, “The Ideology of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes)

    Religion, celebrity and the radical right:

    • Dr Catherine Baker, “When is a black football shirt not a black football shirt?: the aesthetic politics of celebrity and the Croatian radical right” (University of Hull)
    • Craig Johnson, “Theology and Subversion: Vatican II and the Extreme Right Wing in Latin America” (University of California, Berkeley)
    • Peter Paine, “The Fashion of Faith in the Ukrainian Far Right” (King’s College London)
    • Dr David Renton, “The New Authoritarians: Convergence on the right” (Historian and Barrister, Garden Court chambers)

    Post-Digital Cultures of the Far Right. Online Actions and Offline Consequences:

    • Maik Fielitz (University of Hamburg) and Nick Thurston (University of Leeds), “Digital Fascism. A Challenge for Academia and the Open Society”. Possible authors to be discussed: Cynthia Miller-Idriss, “What Makes a Symbol Far Right? Co-Opted and Missed Meanings in Far-Right Iconography” (CARR). Dr Marc Tuters, “LARPing & Liberal Tears. Irony, Belief and Idiocy in the Deep Vernacular Web” (University of Amsterdam). Kaja Marczewska, “Zine Publishing and the Polish Far Right” (University of Coventry). Julia Ebner, “Counter-Creativity. Innovative Ways to Counter Far-Right Communication Tactics” (Institute for Strategic Dialogue)

    19:45: Self-catered dinner

    Thursday, 16th May

    9:30-10:30: Keynote 2: Professor Cas Mudde (University of Georgia) [Chair: Professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss (CARR)]

    10.30-11:00: Coffee break

    11.00-12.30: Parallel sessions x3 [Chairs: Professor Tamir Bar-On (Tecnologico de Monterrey) / Dr William Allchorn (CARR) / Professor Matthew Feldman (CARR)]

    The Italian radical right:

    • Dr Cinzia Padovani, “The significance of Gender within Fascist social movements: an Ethnographical approach” (University of Loughborough)
    • Federica Frazzetta, “Not only populist parties: a comparative analysis on CasaPound Italia and Forza Nuova in Italy” (University of Catania)
    • Dr Elisabetta Cassina-Wolff, “Ideological continuity and political camouflage. The ‘new’ party CasaPound Italia’s fascist origins” (University of Oslo)

    Does migration spur the rise of the radical right?:

    • Dr Maureen Eger, “‘Last Night in Sweden’: Explaining Perceptions of Immigrants and Crime” (Umeå University)
    • Dr James Downes, “Strategic Positioning: Center Right and Radical Right Party Competition over Immigration during the 2015-2018 European Refugee Crisis” (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    • Dr Mette Wiggen, “Whatever happened to equality, solidarity and tolerance in Scandinavia?” (University of Leeds)

    Offline/Online: from hate crimes to memes:

    • Sadie Chana, “Anti-Muslim hate: The wider experience” (University of Kent)
    • Lella Nouri and Professor Nuria Lorenzo-Dus, “Online Extremism: An Analysis of how the Extreme Right-Wing Communicate on Social Media” (Swansea University)
    • Dr Louie Dean Valencia-Garcia, “Refreshing and Reloading the ‘Reconquest’: The Radical Right, El Cid, and Alternative and Cyclical History in the Digital Age” (Texas State University)

    12:30-14:00: Lunch

    14:00-15:30: Parallel session x3 [Chairs: Professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss (CARR) / Eviane Cheng Leidig (CARR) / Dr Archie Henderson (CARR)] Assessing the role of discourses in the radical and extreme right mileux:

    • Liam Liburd, “Among the ‘Drawing-room Fascists’: The career of A.K. Chesterton, 1938-1954” (University of Sheffield)
    • Marta Lorimer, “Building legitimacy through European discourses: the case of the Front National/Rassemblement National” (London School of Economics and Political Science)
    • Tamir Bar-On, “Are the Alt Right and French New Right kindred movements?” (Tecnologico de Monterrey)

    The radical right in post-Soviet Europe:

    • Dr. Valery Engel, “Right-wing radicalism in post-Soviet countries” (European Center for Democracy Development, Latvia)
    • Julian Göpffarth, “Activating the socialist past for a nationalist future. Far-right intellectuals and the prefigurative power of multidirectional nostalgia in Dresden” (London School of Economics and Political Science)
    • Katherine Kondor (University of Huddersfield) and Bulcsú Hunyadi (Political Capital), “Activists with nothing to protest? Shifts in Hungarian radical right organisations under a radical right government”

    From history to the present: Searchlight and The New Authoritarians

    • Daniel Jones (University of Northampton), Dr Paul Jackson (University of Northampton), Siobahn Hyland (University of Northampton), Searchlight Archive

    15:30-16:00: Coffee break

    16:00-17:30: Parallel sessions x3 [Chairs: Professor Tamir Bar-On (Tecnologico de Monterrey) / Dr William Allchorn (CARR) / Professor Matthew Feldman (CARR)]

    Radical right mobilisation on social media:

    • Dr Marc Tuters, “From Brown to Green Hate: The ‘A. Wyatt Mann’ Pseudonym & the American Alternative Right” (University of Amsterdam)
    • Greta Jasser, “Mapping out the Alt-Right” (Leuphana University)
    • Brian Hughes, “Opposing ‘Alt-Tech’: An Analysis of the Forces Shaping Extremist Alternative Communication Networks, and Strategies of Resistance” (American University)

    The radical right: Direct democracy or threats to democracy?:

    • Professor Ralph Schroeder, “The Radical Right: Globalizing Democracy from Below” (University of Oxford)
    • Dr Sebastien Lazardeux, "Radical-Right Populist Movements and the Electoral Dilemma” (St. John Fisher College)
    • Dr Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero, “Competing Legitimation Strategies: A Critical Discourse Analysis of discourse of the right-wing in Spain in 2018” (University of Granada)

    Masculinity and the radical right:

    • Alex DiBranco, “Misogynist Frames and Glorification of Violence in Contemporary Male Supremacist Mobilizations” (Yale University)
    • Professor Robert Tobin, “Early Twentieth-Century Masculinism and The Roots of the New Right” (Clark University)
    • Dr Ov Cristian Norocel, “Who’s the Angry Snowflake? For an Intersectional Perspective in the Study of Radical Right Populism” (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

    17:45-18:45: ECR media workshop with Sunny Hundal and Rosemary Belcher (openDemocracy) [Chair: Eviane Cheng Leidig (CARR)]

    19:30: Conference dinner

    Friday, 17th May

    9:30-10:00: Coffee

    10:00-11:00: Keynote 3: Professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss (CARR) [Chair: Eviane Cheng Leidig (CARR)]

    11:00-11:30: Coffee break

    11:30-13:00: Parallel sessions x3 [Chairs: Professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss (CARR) / Dr William Allchorn (CARR) / Professor Tamir Bar-On (Tecnologico de Monterrey)]

    Framing radical right ideology and violence:

    • Katherine Parsons, “Ideology and Support for Political Violence” (American University)
    • Marc Schwiering, “The significance of ancillary suit. The NSU trial at Higher Regional Court of Munich as an example of current deficits in Germany’s response to far-right terrorism” (Hans Boeckler Foundation, Research Group on the NSU Trial at Munich Higher Regional Court)
    • Georg Plattner, “Frame Appeasement by Governing Parties in the Face of Populist Radical Right Frame Contestation” (University of Vienna)

    Media and the rise of the radical right:

    • Dr Julia Rone, “Why talking about ‘fake news’ misses the point? The sources, topics, and news-sharing patterns of radical right media in Europe” (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society)
    • Sebastian Schneider, “‘100% identity – 0% racism’? A semiotic analysis of the German Identitarian Movement’s visual language” (University of Hildesheim)
    • Maik Fielitz (University of Hamburg) and Holger Marcks (Institute for Peace Research and Security Studies), “Digital Fascism: A Challenge for Academia and the Open Society”

    Radical right, social liberalism? From feminism to eco-fascism:

    • Dr Miranda Christou, “The benign feminism of an extreme right-wing party” (University of Cyprus)
    • Dr Bernhard Forchtner, “Struggling over the climate: mapping articulations of climate change by the Austrian far right” (University of Leicester)
    • Balsa Lubarda, “Towards a ‘Green kingdom’: radical right environmentalism in Hungary” (Central European University)

    13:00-14.30: Lunch

    14:30-15:30: Plenary B: Formers and practitioners [Chair: Professor Matthew Feldman (CARR)]

    • Southern Poverty Law Center
    • Brad Galloway (Organization on Prevention on Violence)
    • Nigel Bromage (Small Steps)

    15:30-16:30: Concluding remarks

    16:30: Conference ends

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