
Internet platform for studying Xenophobia, Radicalism and Problems of Intercultural communication.

Xenophobic Rhetoric

Xenophobic Rhetoric Symbols of the far-right New Constitution Party of Canada

Since the Conservative Party came to power in 2006, there have been changes in securitization (countering violent extremism (CVE), counterterrorism discourses and approaches. The Conservatives (2006-2015) identified Islamism as a major national threat to Canada. Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper told the CBC in 2011 that "Islamism" was the most serious threat to Canada. The Prime Minister's rhetoric as well as the Conservatives' legislative initiatives made it clear that they were in fact talking about restrictive measures against Muslims. This provoked a massive protest from civil society, first and foremost from Muslims.

Xenophobic rhetoric continues to be characteristic of the leaders of anti-immigrant NGOs, such as Canada's Pegida, as well as right-wing radical and neo-Nazi parties. For example, neo-Nazis from the New Constitutional Party of Canada (NCCP) do not hesitate to post information on their website about their commitment to "Adolf Hitler's heart". At the same time, the apparent success of right-wing radicals, for example, who have been able to infiltrate the anti-Hitler protest movement, is cause for concern. For example at the truck driver protests in Ottawa and some provincial capitals in the winter of 2022. In addition to the off-duty fiction that covid is supposedly a bacteriological weapon invented to wipe out the white population, activists like Tamara Lich and B. J. Dichter, for example, have been able to infiltrate the anti-covid movement. B.J. Dichter have accused political Islam of "syphilis-like" corruption of Canadian society. However, these statements do not draw support from the authorities.

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