Finland is gradually becoming one of the countries with a potentially high level of xenophobia and a great influence of right-wing radicals.
Attempts to follow the ideology of the government parties of radical nationalists in matters to do with the foreigners living in Finland, shows that they have done nothing to counter right-wing politics. In fact, the practice of discrimination against foreign families associated with withdrawal of children by guardianship agencies, to discuss the possibilities of reducing teaching hours for the learning of the Swedish language at school and so on. All of this is the result of a a loss of the ruling circles of Finland in the face of the unexpected problem of xenophobia. This creates certain problems in society and can potentially lead to a violation of the current legislation concerning the rights of minorities.
Despite the availability of the migration legislation, it would be desirable for Finland to accede to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families. In addition, given the growing popularity of right-wing radicals, it would be desirable to vote for a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Nazism.
Finland should exclude recommendations that native Russian women are accused of a predisposition to violence against children from the instructions of social service Provisions of the Foreigners Act that facilitate ethnic/racial profiling should be removed. Additionally, it is important to adjust the country's tax legislation, which prevents “unofficial” Finnish churches from making use of the church tax.
Finnish authorities should continue to combat xenophobia and discrimination. Particular attention should be paid to counter anti-immigrant and xenophobic propaganda depicting immigrants as “parasites”. Additionally, law enforcement agencies should adopt a tougher response to xenophobic statements made by politicians, not determining their attitude depending on the affiliation of the subject with the ruling or opposition party.
It is also necessary to take measures against discrimination of foreign families, whose children are being taking away under false pretext of supposed abuse.